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Arbitration Law

The Arbitration Law facilitates and guides in handling and solving disputes between generally two parties by an unbiased and judicious arbitrator mutually selected by both the disputing parties. This arbitration law is applicable to all types of disputes to be solved alternatively outside the legal system, arising from time to time in various fields of the commerce, profession, and other sectors of economy. But today, arbitration is most prominent and preferred for settling promptly the light to heavy commercial disputes at domestic and international levels. To reduce the ever-growing burden being laid on the usual judicial system, and to solve disputes swiftly and economically, every country has a certain arbitration law for settling domestic and international disputes within its jurisdiction. Besides these, for more fair and impartial adjudication (as is generally and commonly believed) there are several globally recognized international arbitration laws for arbitrating the commercial disputes existing between companies belonging to different countries. These all domestic and international arbitration laws are discussed exclusively in the section below for readers' convenience. Reputed worldwide ours law firm provides full and discerning services for these all arbitration laws, essentially including the arbitration law india.

Arbitration Law Outline

Given in this section are the arbitration law outlines for jurisdictions domestic and international located in all around the world, to serve companies and institutions of the world over in settling their commercial disputes elegantly and promptly. In every individual country there is a specific arbitration law for domestic dispute resolution, such as the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 of India. Apart from these respective domestic arbitration laws, today the most acclaimed and popular international arbitration laws are - the New York Convention, 1958; the Geneva Convention, 1927; the European Convention, 1961; the Geneva Protocol, 1923; the Washington Convention, 1965; the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules; and many other international regulations. Ours well-informed, vastly experienced, and responsible arbitrators and judges, have been adjudicating disputes under most of these arbitration laws, for a long successful period. Here, it may also be noted that our law firm based in India, offers perfect and swift services for all areas of the law in jurisdictions worldwide, including trademark litigation india.