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Brand Registration

In general, brand refers to trademark utilized to tell apart the services or goods amongst consumers. The business group trades their goods or services under a specific brand or name and this is known as trademark. Brand registration is done to prevent use of the same trademark or duplication by other people. Trademark registration is a shield that is offered by the government to business entities in order to decrease the likelihood of other people obtaining the benefit of the business and misusing the trademark of any business and also to augment the chances to keep the trademark exclusive in the eye of the law of the country.

Brand registration in India

Every country possesses various laws for brand trademark registration. In India, the law that governs brand registration is Patent Act, 1970. Brand registration India is carried out according to the rules of the Indian Government. The brand or trademark can be a phrase word, symbol, name, logo, image or a blend of all these elements. There are various firms that offer brand or trademark registration in India at reasonable prices that meet your needs and expectations and also in an easy and affordable manner. It helps to protect the property and business and also maintain its individuality.

It can be filed separately or together with a partner or through a legal representative of a departed person. Brand registration offices are established under department of industrial policy & promotion, ministry of commerce & industry and they guide the applicants. Be it Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai, or Mumbai, the most significant point that a person needs to note concerning trademark registration is that the process offers the proprietor with a type of right to control over usage of the trademark which is needed by traders for legitimate trading purposes.

There are certain limitations that need to be followed on the usage of symbols or words and so the person who applies for brand trademark India should see to that they don't use surnames, descriptive words, and geographical names since they are not accepted according to the Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958. The trademark has to be completely unique and must never be identical to any other trademark that was previously registered for same or different purpose of trading.