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Company Name Search

Company is a legal entity and it should be registered under the companies act as per the rules and regulations in order to continue its business operations. Company name search is also a legal process and only professionals can do it with absolute ease and firmness. Zeroing on a suitable company name is the first and foremost important thing for an aspiring business entrepreneur. There are numbers of legal firms with the help of trademark professionals are providing free company name search services to many aspiring business owners. In India, Companies Act 1956 has defined the complete rules and regulations for searching company name and then company registration services. Company is an association of persons or a group of persons those are running a business enterprise to make profits by offering goods and services. There are two kinds of companies are present in these days including private limited and public limited ones. Therefore, one should decide about the category of company one needs to incorporate.

Free Company Name Search in India

Indian Companies Act 1956 has defined all rules and regulations regarding company registration and company name search services since its inception. There are large numbers of company registration firms and legal firms those are offering free company name searching services to millions of aspiring business entrepreneurs across India. Finding an apt name for your upcoming company is the very first step in the whole process of company registration and one should follow each and every step carefully in order to make a successful registration. India is going to be the global business destination as there are large numbers of business entrepreneurs are landing here to kick start their business operations in each passing day. India offers them sustained growth opportunities and cheap labor in order to start their business and make profitable too.