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Company Services

The whole extensive gamut of supportive and profitable company law services are provided in India and other countries located in all across the globe, to people and entities in all economic sectors, by ours adept and mellow company law attorneys and corporate lawyers. Both private and public sectors are well-served by us in diverse fields of business and profession. These capabilities render ours well-established law firm of India as one of the widely reputed service providers of the world to the commercial and corporate sectors worldwide. For better grasp and understanding, now let me explain first, what the company law is. The Company Law is the magnificent and vital area of the law that deals comprehensively and impeccably with the formation, governance, operation, and management of all types of commercial or professional entities, together with their mutual interactions, and transactions and relationship with people and community in general. Ours elegant, economical and discerning company law services for all economic sectors are provided, in addition to the perfect and vigorous services to all other areas of legal practice. In the lower section of this article described are ours company law services in india, which also apply to all counties abroad.

Company Law Services in India

With dedicated, perfect, and responsible support of ours seasoned company law attorneys and lawyers, chartered accountants, finance and tax consultants and advisors, and professionals pertaining to technical and non-technical fields, our globally reputed law firm offers well-rounded company law services in every part of India. These services, including the formation of any desired type of company in india, are performed as per the Companies Act, 1956 (the company law india) and other regulating laws. We are admired highly nationwide for providing elegant and highly productive legal services in accordance with the ever-changing business scenarios and varying business requirements of clients in diverse fields. In the light and influence of constantly growing business competition, and commercial and corporate frauds and delinquencies, the need for such company law services is more intensified. For gratifying service to Indian and Foreign entrepreneurs, companies, industries, multinational corporations, organizations, and investors in various economic fields, we extend the following company law services in India and abroad:

  • Drafting of all Contractual and Agreement documents
  • Intellectual Property Rights services :
    • Corporate Taxation and Insurance
    • Legal services for International Businesses
    • Legal services for Foreign Direct Investment in India
    • Mergers and Acquisitions (M & A)
    • Joint Ventures