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Copyright Attorney

Copyright laws are very necessary to protect your original works and determine the ownership of creative output such as written works, music and motion pictures. When any problems in arising in the path of copyright issues and cases, then you need the help from copyright attorney top get authority and ownership of original works. A copyright attorney is a legal expert and having specialization in cases involving copyright and intellectual property law. You can get assistance and legal advice from a copyright attorney, who can help the creator ensure that all appropriate measures have been taken to prove and protect ownership of the work. Unauthorized distribution of a creative work can also guide to income loss and need help from a copyright attorney, even if the original ownership of the work is not in dispute.

Copyright Attorney Services and scope

We offer copyright attorney services for the protection of authors, artists, writers, music and composers on their creations. Our experienced copyright attorneys can help you in protecting your original works from being copied without permission. Our Copyright registration procedure is very easy and affordable to get copyright protection to the creator of an original literary or artistic work. It is the exclusive right granted by the law to creator of such original work, to do, authorize, or exclude certain acts in relation to such work, thereby protecting and rewarding creativity.

Our Copyright services include:
  • Preliminary advice and consultancy.
  • Strategizing and Counseling for registration.
  • Registration before the Copyright Office.
  • Licensing and Assignment of Copyrights.
  • Infringement actions under Civil and Criminal Jurisdictions.