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Free Trademark Search

A Free trademark search is a comprehensive and logical way of researching a name, logo or slogan for prior use. It is highly sensible to conduct a trademark search before filing an application for a trademark. It is optional to conduct a Trademark availability search in order to check if any similar Trademark has been filed in India, which may oppose your registration. A basic trademark search in India includes applications for trademarks in India and registered trademarks. Trademark search is only for information, but every possible effort has been made to ensure accurate results. A trademark applicant is not needed to conduct a search for conflicting marks before using a trademark, or applying to register a trademark.

Free Trademark Name Search

Free Trademark name searching is the process that reveals whether your proposed mark is capable of registration or not in India. It helps in determining whether or not there exists an identical or similar mark registered or pending for the identical or similar goods. Conducting free trademark name search allows you to make an informed decision about potentially conflicting marks. If it ensures that a trademark is available, an applicant can make sure that their trademark registration application will be accepted by the USPTO. We offer a free trademark name search for you without any legal obligation. We ensure that all trademark search requests will be performed and the trademark name search report delivered to you by next business day or else. Our experienced professionals will send you a trademark search report within hours.