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How to Patent a Name

In this elegant article, we are going to provide highly precious information about how to make an invention patented in one' name, in any targeted national or international jurisdiction worldwide. It is different from rendering a name as one's trademark. Making an invention patented requires much more than making a name a trademark. This invention could be related with a product or even a process, in any economic field. Our firm is one of extensively famous and popular legal firms of India with worldwide acclamation and commendations. We provide expert and highly refined legal services in all legal areas in countries worldwide, and at levels national and international. Ingenious and superb services for intellectual property rights are vital part of our legal services.

With registration of an invention, granted are certain exclusive patent rights to the applicant, regarding all types of personal and commercial utilizations of the patented invention, and proper safety and protection to the invention within the jurisdiction of the registering patent office. With the objectives of doing business within one's native country, only the domestic patent registration is required as per the relevant patent act in the country. For instance, such a patent act in India is the Patents Act, 1970; and the patent offices making strict compliance with rules and regulations given in this federal patent act are located in all across the country. On the other hand, for expanding one's business of the patented product to international horizons, the company is required to obtain patent registration under any one or more the concerned international patent conventions or treaties, to which the targeted countries are members.

Today, the most globally recognized international patent conventions or treaties in the whole world are Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) operated by the WIPO, the TRIPS Agreement managed by the WTO, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Patent Convention (EPC). Ours immensely experienced and well-seasoned patent attorneys provide efficient and innovative legal services for patent registrations at national and international levels worldwide. Thus, while with us, no one requires to bother about how to patent a name with any national or international patent office. To patent a name, the most valuable tasks or processes involved are - expert and visionary counsel over giving final touches to the newly created invention, fortifying uniqueness and ready patentability of the finalized invention through national or international patent searches, creating sophisticated and impeccable patent specification, completing perfectly the patent application and filing the same with desired patent office, and lastly, executing patent prosecution for perfect registration quickly.