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International Copyright

International copyright is the act of keeping the original title in the name of the original creator throughout the world. Copyright is a part of an Intellectual Property (IP) and it should be protected as per the International copyright law. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the governing body which regulates and gives the registration certificate to the original owner after registering his or her work. There are numbers of foreign countries allow international copyright to many foreign artists in order to preserve their works under the international copyright treaties and convention. Primarily, there are two international copyright conventions like the Berne Convention for protection of Literary and Artistic Works and the Universal Copyright Convention (UCC). Since March 1 of 1989, the United States has become the member of Berne Convention and it's the member country of United Copyright Convention (UCC). There is a great chance of international copyright infringement as there are large numbers of creative artists are vying for international copyright registration.

International Copyright Infringement Law

International copyright infringement law is there in order to give the justice to the real owner or creator of the creative works. International copyright infringement case arises when one party uses other's works commercially without the consent of the actual owner. Each and every year, there are large numbers of creative artists from across the world are applying for international copyright registration in order to keep their right for ever with them. Therefore, international copyright infringement often arises in keen competitive world. United States and United Kingdom has their different rules and regulations when it comes to copyright registration in order to give the creative artists of their county a right to preserve and protect what they have created by indulging lot of hard work and efforts.