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Paralegal Trademark:

The paralegal trademark has significant place to administer working closely with in house attorneys and outside counsel for the Company's trademark portfolio. This Paralegal trademark has primary responsibility for maintaining the Company's database for all domestic & foreign trademarks. Other responsibilities of paralegal trademarks include preparing and filing domestic & Canadian trademark applications, preparing and filing office action responses, working with outside counsel on foreign & domestic trademark matters, and maintaining records of global trademarks, oppositions and cancellation & conflict matters.

Trademark Paralegal Law

Intellectual property law (IP) is one of the most modern practice areas in the legal industry today. Trademark law involves the filing, registration and enforcement of trademark rights, is a growing sub-specialty of intellectual property law. The trademark paralegal prepares reports on trademark activity as required, helps with review of watch notices, performs internet research projects & other particular projects as requested and assists with trademark matters throughout divestitures & acquisitions. The trademark paralegal will also help with enforcing the brand on the Internet, handling cease and desist of IP matters, and granting & securing 3rd party permission requests. The IP Paralegal will also assist in basic copyright & patent application matters, although previous knowledge of patents is not a requirement.