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Service Tax Registration

Provisions under service tax regarding service tax registration requires the assessee to enroll himself while he begins offering a taxable service, and also to revise his registration certificate whenever there is an alteration in the business profile. The assessee also has to state during the registering time as to whether he desires to go for centralized registration. This particular choice can be implemented at a later time, wherein the assessee has to obtain his registration certificate revised. Aside from service providers, even service receivers who are likely to pay service tax would have register themselves under service tax for the intention of paying the service tax.

Procedure of Service Tax Registration

There is a service tax procedure that needs to be followed to obtain the registration certificate. Service tax registration procedure would be the same in every scenario with just some slight changes that would be marked on the registration application.

Firstly the assessee has to make an application in the form ST 1 to Superintendent of Central Excise in the duplicate. The application needs to be filled up within 20 days from date of offering taxable service and has to have the address required to be registered. The application must be filled with more care without making any errors. The boxes and columns that are not application can be filled with "NA". All the taxable services that are offered have to be stated on the application since there would be no individual applications for each taxable service. The form must be signed by the sole proprietor/partner/director according to the case.

The application must be enclosed with the copies of the documents stated below:

  • Self certified PAN copy [if allotment of PAN is pending, the a copy of PAN application has to be produced]
  • Copy of Board Resolution [for companies]
  • Copy of MOA/AOA [for companies]
  • Copy of Rental agreement/Lease deed of the premises
  • A short technical article on the services offered
  • Registration certificate of Partnership organization
  • Copy of a legitimate power of attorney in case the MD/Owner does not file the application

After the application has been filed, acknowledgement has to be got on duplicate copy for own reference. If the details specified in the application form are verified to be accurate and correct, the registration certificate will be offered within 7 days.