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Shop Act Registration

A shop or business unit should continue business operations by taking the legal permission from the state or local Government from the first day. Therefore, shop registration is extremely essential for each and every small and large business organization. There are numbers of business enterprises are present in India including sole trade business, partnership firm and private and public limited company. All these above type of firms are legally registered from their respective authority in order to continue their daily business operations. These days, one can take various ways for business registration purposes as per one's choice and flexibility. Amongst all, online shop registration has been catching the imagination of many aspiring business entrepreneurs due its fast and instant services. Primarily, all shops or business units should be registered under the state or local Government for better management and to work as a legally valid unit.

Shop Act License Services in India

India is the hub of many small and medium scale enterprises and this culture has been growing as large numbers of business entrepreneurs are choosing India is their next best business destination. In India, a shop is registered under the state government or local authority after its incorporation by a business entrepreneur. As per the shop act registration in India, if it's a partnership firm, then it should be registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and if it's a company, then the Indian Companies Act 1956 is applied for both private and public limited companies. Shop license is a valid registration on the basis of which a shop or business unit can claim to Government against any illegal activity during the course of the business. Therefore, whether, it's a shop or a company, it should be registered as per the Shop and Establishment Act in India.