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Society Registration

Society is an association of persons or a group of individuals for a certain purpose. As it's like an organization, it needs to be registered as per the rules and regulations. A society is registered under the Society Registration Act 1860 in India for legally running like an institution. A society is generally formed in order to organize some educational and cultural programs among members time to time at different places. Society has a rich history in India and its registration is extremely inevitable as per the Society registration act. Society can be classified as cultural society, educational society, industrial society and economic society. It's often called as a social organization because its members are quite active in helping out common people in various parts of the world. As per the society registration rules and regulations, a society must have at least seven members to start with no maximum limit as members.

Rules & Procedure for Society Registration

There are well defined rules and regulations as per the Society Registration Act 1860 for all new and upcoming societies. According to the section 20 of the Societies Registration Act 1860, a society can be a charitable societies, orphan funds or societies formed for other purposes. When it comes to society registration, one can apply at state level or district level for registration certificate. Each and every state has different rules and regulations for society registration but there are certain documents which are essential to submit along with application form:

  • Memorandum of Association (MoA)
  • Articles of Association (AoA)
  • Consent from other members of managing committee
  • Authority letters sully signed by all members of the managing committee
  • An affidavit sworn by the president or secretary on judicial stamp paper of Rs. 20