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Society Registration

Small Scale Industries (SSI) is impeccably playing a role in country's Gross Domestic development and for inclusive growth. All small scale industries are required to be registered under the state Government rules and regulations for successful business operations. Since its inception, SSI's are generating huge employment opportunities across sectors in each and every state or region of the country. All industries which requires less than 10 million rupees investment on plant and machinery need to be registered as per the SSI registration procedures implemented by the State Government. Small scale industries are available in various fields including Manufacturing, Service and many more sectors with a purpose to create millions of jobs for people across the country. A registered Small Scale Industry (SSI) will enjoy many rights over others while doing business. The following advantages one can get after its registration:

  • To get financial assistance from state Government
  • To open other regional centers at other locations
  • It can collect statistics

Rules & Procedure for SSI Registration

Every state has their own set of rules and regulations regarding Small Scale Industry (SSI) registration in order to continue its operations. As SSI plays a crucial role in the economic development of a particular state or a country by creating thousands of jobs and earning lot of money through exports. Small scale and medium enterprises those need to invest less than 10 million should be registered under the State Government rules. The reason behind all these registration is to keep a tab on the registered numbers of SSI's and to provide incentives and financial assistance whenever they need. First, a unit should apply for permanent registration certificate and this PRC is valid for five years. And, once production starts, it will get the final registration from the authority of the state Government.