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TAN Registration

Tax deducted and collected account number (TAN) is an alphanumeric number given by the Income Tax Department to individuals and companies those are filing taxes. TAN registration is extremely important and it's a unique 10 digit alphanumeric number one will get after registration with the Income Tax Department as per the registration procedure. These days, online TAN registration is immensely popular among all business entrepreneurs as this process is far easier rather than going for direct registration. The TAN registration is like any other pre-requirements for paying taxes with Income Tax Department as without the help of TAN Government can't keep a track record on tax collected and deducted from individuals and companies across the nation. One should apply with a specified TAN application form by mentioning all the details regarding name of the applicant and source of income like consulting fees, salaries, taxable projects and other contractual incomes. TAN helps both parties including Government and tax payer while paying incomes taxes once in a year.

Online TAN Application Procedure

Online TAN registration is fast catching the imagination of all business entrepreneurs and business organizations in India. One should apply with a specialized online TAN application form with detailing all information regarding income source of an individual. National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) is the Governing body which allocates TAN to an applicant after checking all the details. If one is planning for online TAN registration, then one can log into the website of Tax Information Network Facilitation Centers (TIN) by the NSDL with Form-49B as per the rules and regulations of the Income Tax Department of India. The total fee of online TAN registration will come around 55 rupees after the service tax as per the Income Tax Department of India. Once one get done with the online registration, the NSDL will send the digitalization TAN to the Income Tax Department and then the Income Tax Department will issue TAN to the applicant.