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Trademark or TM

A Trademark (TM) or Service Mark, is the part and parcel of any trade or business, ultimately responsible for success, popularity, and profitability of the business. A Trademark is any distinct sign or indicator connected with the product of a company, to differentiate it apart from the products of other companies, particularly in the same field of business, in the specified marketplace. In addition to providing striking identification and recognition to the associated products or services, these trademarks play a pivotal and significant role in representing and promoting the outstanding prominence of the products or services, certain specific level of product quality, company's goodwill and reputation, and overall marketability and profitability of the products. Hence, ours well-equipped law firm with striking reputation worldwide, renders the entire range of legal services to trademarks, other categories of IP, and other areas of the legal practice, in countries all across the globe. Requisite trademark registrations (tm registrations) under the international jurisdictions like Berne and Paris Convention, the European Community Trademark (CTM), the TRIPS Agreement, and the Madrid Protocol, are additionally well-supported by us.

TM Registration in India

All discrete trademark classes described in the list of trademark classification, are comprehensively covered by ours tm registration in india. All types of a trademark & tm under each of these trademark classes, are handled proficiently and well-served by our seasoned and expert trademark attorneys, in every part of the country. These essential and mandatory domestic tm registrations are accomplished with the help of trademark offices situated in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. Besides this trademark registration india, international tm registrations with the above specified conventions and treaties are also supported well-rounded by us, on behalf of individuals and entities established in any part of India. It should be kept in mind that, trademark registrations under the new Trade Marks Act, 1999, provides recognition and protection to the registered trademarks in all across the country, and serves as an accredited base for subsequent tm registrations under diverse international treaties. Every necessary legal assistance and service is offered vigorously by us at all junctures for the flawless registration of trademarks and all-round protection to these.