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Trademark Lawyer

Lawyer to solve the question like when should we use the signs ©, TM, ® or TM printed on labels, professional packaging and documentation of various products or services, usually near a Trademark? A trademark is used primarily in to identify and distinguish goods or services its owner from those of competitors. A brand must be original and be distinctive in the minds of consumers in order to reap the full benefit of trademark. Generic terms and descriptive of products or services, are not be recordable; it may be one or more words with or without design or specific graphic representation including symbol, acronym or logo. The Trademark should not be confused with trade names or with business name or logo name. It is duty of trademark lawyer to make your business mark safe while getting register under trademark act of a particular country. In India there is trademark act 1999 that eng\forced several rules and guidelines for trademark registration services.

Here our trademark lawyer makes you with every service in trademark:
  • What is purpose of trademark
  • What are the boundaries of rights and powers of trademark owner
  • Where to search unique and distinct trademark
  • How to file an application for trademark registration.
  • What are the procedures of trademark litigation in India and opposition.
  • How to enforce trademark with business name and logo.
  • How to renew your trademark.
  • What are the procedure for trademark watch and how to protect business mark from being getting copied.

Well, all these trademark lawyer services are stated with legal jurisdictions where the trademark lawyer cost vary from one attorney o another where the trademark registration fees remain the same in different jurisdictions of same nation. Thus, make your trademark obligates with business products and goods item in order to promote all over the world.