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Trademark Registry

Trademark Registry is a Government recognized body controlled and administered by the Central Government to address all trademark related issues. Trademark registration is a legal process and every aspiring trademark should apply to the Trademark Registry with giving all the details regarding goods and services and their classification. Trademark Registry was established in the year 1940 by the Central Government and it has been using the Trademark Registration Act 1999 in India. Trademark Registry is controlled by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks (CGPDT) with a purpose to grant trademark registration after verifying each and every parameter. In order to keep safe from trademark infringement, trademark search registry helps to find the most creative logo or trademark for an applicant as per his or her business line. The Trademark Registry is the authoritative body under the central government to search and allot the suitable trademark to a prospective client.

Trademark Registry in India

Trademark Registry in India has been operating its service since its inception 1940 but it has amended in the year 1999 to suit for more goods and services. It has its head office in Mumbai and several regional offices located in all leading metros including Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai. Trademark registry India is the autonomy body appointed under the instruction of the Central Government for receiving trademark application and searching the suitable trademarks as per the rules and regulations. These days, online trademark application and search has been catching the imagination of many aspiring business owners or trademark owners. Online Trademark Registry is the new invention in the line of trademark registration services which allows applying for trademark registration with the help of Internet. Therefore, Trademark Registry has been inevitable for all trademark registration services as it's the central body appointed by the Government.