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What is Patent

Patent is the exclusive right offered to an inventor or patentee regarding the uses and protection of the invention which has been registered under the Patents Act of the country. Thus, every registered invention or creation is essentially associated with certain patent rights in any domestic or international jurisdiction. Ours this invaluable and highly productive article is going to offer detailed and refined information all about inventions and patent rights, including what is patent, how inventions are registered, what are patent rights, and authorities of domestic and international patent registrations. Here, it is valuable to note that, our law firm is one of the reputed law firms of India with service delivery in countries worldwide. All significant and vital areas of the law are well-served by ours erudite, expert, and innovative attorneys, essentially including the intellectual property rights, and hence, patents.

Patent rights are prerequisite for making commercial uses of the patented invention and supreme authority over the invention within the concerned jurisdiction. For doing business at international level, the inventions are to be registered under any relevant international patent agency. Today, for doing international or worldwide business, the most significant and globally recognized patent treaties and conventions are Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) operated by WIPO, TRIPS Agreement of WTO, Berne and Paris Convention, and the European Patent Convention (EPC). At domestic level in countries worldwide, there are individual patent act in every country, for example, in India, inventions are registered under the Patents Act of 1970. The patent registration under any national patent act, offers recognition and protection of the invention within that national jurisdiction only.

Product or process inventions pertaining to various fields of the broad sectors of professions, businesses, industries, and services, are patented through the provisions and processes described in the relevant patent act and proper guidance of the concerned patent office. The most significant processes involved in the registration of an invention are - perfect creation and finalization of any new invention, verification of its originality and uniqueness through national or international patent searches, elegant drafting of the patent specification, completing and filing the patent application, and then, offering proper and effective patent prosecution for the best possible and quickest patent registration.