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Why Need a Patent

Patent Rights are prerequisite for making all types of commercial and professional uses of the patented (registered) invention, within the concerned jurisdiction. These rights also help the inventor or patentee in keeping the precious invention safe and secured from any type of misuses and infringement upon the contents of the invention, by any other unauthorized individual or entity. Hence, patent rights gained after registration of an invention, are absolutely necessary for doing a business in any professional, commercial, industrial, or service field, at local, national, or international levels. The foregoing explanation serves as answer to the question "why need a patent?". Other benefits of patented inventions are illustrated in the paragraphs below, along with information regarding how to achieve patent rights in national and international jurisdictions. Here, it may be mentioned that our law firm is one of widely prominent legal organization of India with international service coverage and reputation.

For nationwide business of any product, the invention related with this product should be properly registered under the domestic patents law of the country. For example, for doing business of a product in any part of India or entire nationwide, the invention connected with this product must be registered under the Indian Patents Act of 1970, with the help of any one of its zonal patent offices located in all across the country. On the other hand, for conducting business of a product in international jurisdictions, the relevant invention must be registered under the immediately concerned international patent treaty or convention, to which the targeted countries are parties. Today, the most reputed and globally recognized international patent conventions and treaties in the whole world are Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) of WIPO, the TRIPS Agreement of the WTO, the Berne or Paris Convention, and the European Patent Convention (EPC). Our erudite and seasoned patent attorneys have rich and varied experience in performing national and international patent registrations in countries worldwide.

The patent rights granted to the patentee after perfect registration of his/its invention, enable him/it to utilize authoritatively the invention for producing products to sell in the permitted marketplace, or for hiring and trading of the patented invention, and also to take proper and rigorous measures for perfect safety and protection of his/its invention (such as patent infringement lawsuit) within the concerned national or international jurisdiction.